Psy 213 Quiz 13 (ch. 15): Make sure you bubble you last name on OpScan

True .......... False

1. With age, we should gradually increase caloric intake to adjust for the age-related increase in basal metabolic rate.

2. Reduction in bone density during adulthood is common in men but not women.

3. Women who have more than one child tend to reach menopause earlier.

4. One benefit of calorie restriction is an increased production of free radicals.

5. Menopause may impact a woman's sex life because she has a significantly diminished sex drive.

6. The best way for hostile and dominant people to reduce their risk of heart disease is to force themselves to take an extended vacation.

7. Fluid intelligence increases steadily throughout adulthood.

8. The metacognitive view suggests that adults experience greater loss of information as it moves through the cognitive system, causing the whole system to slow down to think about the meaning of life.

9. On simple reaction-time tasks, response time remains the same throughout the lifespan.

10. The most important factor in the success of an adult college student is a high I.Q.