The Lemon Juice Demonstration

It has been reported that introverts produce more saliva than do extraverts (Corcoran, 1964)

Tie a thread to the center of a double-tipped cotton swab so that it hangs perfectly horizontal

Person swallows three times and then puts one end of swab on tongue, holding it there for 30 seconds

Then put 4 drops of limon juice on tongue. After swallowing the person places the other end of the swab on the same portion of tongue for 30 seconds.

Swab will remain horizontal for extraverts, hang down on the lemon juice end for introverts (indicating a relatively large amount of saliva produced in response to the lemon juice).

Extra credit (doesn't affect base number of points your grade is based on, will add to the total number of points you have)

Take the lemon drop test yourself, classify yourself as E or I

Look at how you would score on the 3 Extraversions questions from Figure 7.6 (p. 260)

Look at how you would score on the Five Factor Introversion vs. Extraversion scale (top five items on p. 272)

I don't need to know your results, but write me a brief (1 page or less) essay in response to this question: how consistent are the results across these three measures of your degree of introversion-extraversion? What do you think this might say about trait approaches to personality?

The essay is worth (up to) 5 points if you choose to do it.