Psychology 340 Syllabus
Statistics for the Social Sciences

Illinois State University
J. Cooper Cutting
Fall 2002

Multiple Regression

The General Linear Model

Last time we introduced the General Linerar Model for Bivariate Regression (regression with only two variables). Now we will learn about regression with more than two variables (multiple regression). That is, we'll still be predicting one variable (Y), but now we'll use several explanatory variables (e.g., X1, X2, & X3).

For bivariate regression we stated the model as:

For multiple regression the FIT portion of the model gets more parts. For each additional explanatory variable we add a new Beta (the Beta's are often called parameters).

Note: now B1 is no longer interpreted simply as the slope of the line. Rather, it is a measure of how much the its associated explanatory variable (X1) contributes to the model predicting the response variable (Y).

Hypothesis testing with mulitple regression

With multiple regression, it is typical to examine several models to see which set of variables offer the best prediction. Along with each model may be several hypothesis tests. Basically each model will have an R2, an ANOVA result which tests the overall Model, and a t-test result for each explanatory variable (and the intercept, although this is still not usually of theoretical interest).

Squared multiple correlation (R2) is still a measure of how much of the variance in the response variable (Y) can be accounted for by the explanatory variables (now, X1, X2, ..., Xp). Typically it'll be the first result that you examine when comparing different models. Generally, the higher the R2 the better the model. This gets balanced in practice with a parsimony principle which states that the simplier the model (the fewer the explanatory variables) the better. So when comparing models, these two factors may trade-off and the researcher needs to decide how much of a change in the R2 is needed to pick a more complex model over a simple one.

The computation of R2 is:

In addtion to the descriptive statistic R2, there is a statistical test of the overall model. The null hypothesis that the ANOVA is testing is that all of the betas (except for the intercept) are equal to zero.

The alternative is that at least one beta is not equal to 0.

Here are the formulas that go into the different components of the ANOVA. For this class you won't have to do any of these compuations by hand (so the table below is just for those who want to know more).

In addition to the overall ANOVA result, the statistical analysis of each model will include individual t-tests for each of the Betas (there will be one for each explanatory variable in the model). Unlike in bivariate regression (with only one explanatory variable, X) the Beta is no longer simply the slope of a line. Instead, the Beta should be thought of as a weighting of how much its paired explanatory variable contributes to the overall model. That is, it tells us whether the explanatory variable actually does any "explaining."

Using SPSS to perform multiple regression analyses

Multiple regression analyses in SPSS use essentially the same procedures that we used for Bivariate regression, except now we will add more than one independent variable.

To review:

To follow along the example in SPSS, you may download the CSDATA.sav datafile.

This is the data set that your textbook uses as the case study in chapter 11 (multiple regression). The suggested questions below are taken (roughly) from the chapter to help facilitate the connection between what you do in class with SPSS and what the book says (note: the book uses a different statistical package, so the output in the book is in a different format than your SPSS output will be).

The CSDATA data set has the following variables:

A good first step of most analyses is to compute the descriptive statistics of your data.

1) Using SPSS, compute the mean and standard deviations of the continuous variables (GPA, SATM, SATV, HSM, HSS, HSE).

2) Compute the correlations between the continuous variables (you can do this all at once in one big correlation matrix).

Suppose that your theory is that High School grades should be better predictors (explanatory variables) of University GPA than standardized tests (SAT scores).

So you may want to start by comparing two multiple regression models.

3) Using SPSS compute the regression analysis for Model 1

4) Using SPSS compute the regression analysis for Model 2

5) Compare Model 1 and Model 2. Which does a better job predicting University GPA?

6) Given the results of Model 1 and Model 2 how might you improve your prediction of University GPA (what other Model(s) might you try)?

7) In your opinion, is the Model which includes all of the variables (HSM, HSS, HSE, SATM, SATV) "better" than Model 1? Is it better than a Model that only includes HSM?

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at