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Psychology Resource Center

Graduate Student Computer Lab

The PRC has a computer lab for Psychology graduate students and faculty during the PRC's operating hours. The lab has 10 PCs that are equipped with SPSS and standard productivity software. One computer station also supports structural equations modeling. Printing is available based on a user service fee.

Do not use the department's computers in this lab to store any files or data. Back up all information to an external drive. Department computers are periodically purged of all external information. The department is not liable for any lost files or data.


Key Usage Policy

For the classrooms (19 and 48 DeGarmo Hall) and the shared research labs (8 and 12 DeGarmo Hall), researchers may reserve these rooms at times when the PRC is not open (i.e., keys may be checked out early). However the following policies apply:

  1. The person checking out the key early (within 24 hours of the reserved time slot) must leave their University ID for the duration of their possession of the key. Students must identify the faculty member and study identifier (e.g., the SONA security code). PRC staff need to record the faculty member's name and the security code on either the key sign out log, or the room scheduling log.
  2. The key should be returned at the next available opportunity during PRC operating hours. At that time, the University ID will be returned. If the study is being conducted in the evening, or early in the morning prior to the PRC operating hours, checking out the key is allowable, but the University ID must also be kept overnight.
  3. The person with the key and the faculty member supervising the research project are responsible for ensuring that the room is locked after the research session is concluded.
  4. Currently there are multiple sets of keys for the classrooms and shared research settings. These key policies are in place for the “extra” keys. If it gets to a point where there is only one key to these rooms that has not been checked out, then the final keys (i.e. the last key to 19 and the last key to 48), may NOT be checked out in advance. These keys may only be checked out for immediate use.

Computer Classroom

The Department of Psychology maintains a computer classroom (13 DeGarmo Hall) equipped with networked PC stations for 30 students. The instructor's computer station is also equipped with a projector. This room is usually scheduled for classes, but may be reserved at other times during the PRC's operating hours. Only Psychology faculty members may reserve 13 DeGarmo (i.e., faculty must reserve the room for use by a psychology graduate student). The faculty member should contact the PRC to make a reservation.

DeGarmo 13 Schedule for Spring 22

Do not use the computers in this classroom to store any files or data. Back up all information to an external drive. Department computers are periodically purged of all external information. The department is not liable for any lost files or data.

Shared Research Space

To reserve a room, contact the PRC at 438-7229 during operating hours.

  • 8C DeGarmo (capacity for 12 with long tables and chairs)
  • 19 DeGarmo (capacity for 40 with individual desks)
  • 48 DeGarmo (capacity for 20 with small tables and chairs)

Individual Testing Rooms

  • 8 DeGarmo Suite (10' X 10' rooms: 8A, 8B, 8E, and 8F are equipped with a PC or Macintosh computer and a desk)
  • 12 DeGarmo Suite (small individual rooms with a PC or Macintosh computer)


Rooms may be reserved up to two weeks in advance. To make a reservation, contact the PRC at 438-7229. Identify the room you are interested in or the type of space you need, the date, and time of expected use. You may need a key to unlock the door of the room you have reserved.

Do not use the department's computers in this classroom to store any files or data. Back up all information to an external drive. Department computers are periodically purged of all external information. The department is not liable for any lost files or data.

Reserved Material

Psychology instructors may place readings or other course material (reserved material) in the PRC for students to review. Instructors may set limits on who may review or check out reserved material and for how long.

Procedures for Students

Students may review reserved materials in the PRC during operating hours. Students must leave a picture ID in the PRC if they remove any reserved materials. Failure to return reserved materials promptly inconveniences other students and may result in limiting or restricting borrowing privileges.

Procedures for Faculty

Psychology faculty should bring their reserve material to the PRC and clearly identify how the reserved material should be handled. For example, should the reserved material be reviewed only in the PRC? Can students check out and an entire set of readings from the PRC, or should each reading be checked out separately? How long can reserved material be checked out? Faculty should fill out the PRC form for each item indicating how the reserved material should be handled.

Reserved material is usually available to students for the current semester. At the end of each semester, reserved materials will be returned to the instructor. Students tend to seek out reserve material only when deadlines approach. If it is a large class, it may be prudent to make available multiple copies of the reserved material.

The PRC staff is not responsible for inspecting each item to make sure that it was returned with all the pages intact.

Proctoring Make-Up Exams

There is a small work space, in the PRC, where students can complete make-up exams for the psychology courses during the PRC's operating hours. Space in the PRC is limited. Therefore, seats for completing make-up exams will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis. If there is no space available, students will be asked to return at a later time, or on another day. We do not guarantee an environment that is quiet and without distractions.

Procedures for Students

Students must show a picture ID before working on an exam in the PRC. Make-up exams cannot be removed from the PRC.

Procedures for Faculty

Make-up exams should be delivered to the PRC. Each exam requires the PRC form that identifies who will be taking the exam and any special instructions (e.g., time limit, open notes allowed, etc.). When the student has completed the exam, it will be stored in the PRC and should be picked up by the instructor or graduate assistant.