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Pro Seminar Archive


Fall 2020

CBS Topics: Online research options and mechanics (Guest discussant: Dr. Eric Wesselmann), Thesis Process (Dana Davidson & Sarah Dick, Graduate School), Searching for Jobs (Renee Carrigan, Career Center), Overview of the CBS sequence, Writing and Productivity, Applying to PhD Programs, Writing Personal Statements, and PhD Mentorship

Practice Proposals: Raina Isaacs, Mu-Jen Huang, Stephanie Hartling

1st Year Student Reports: Sam Cahue, Madeline Cermak, MaKayla Smullin, Elizabeth Marsh

Zoom Colloquium: Dr. Alan Hajnal, University of Southern Mississippi


Fall 2019

CBS Topics: Overview of the CBS Sequence, Applying to PhD Programs, Writing Personal Statements, and PhD Mentorship, Writing and Productivity, Thesis Process, Searching for Jobs

First Year Student Reports: Amanda DeVore, Raina Isaacs, Stephanie Hartling, Mu-Jen Huang

Invited Colloquiums: Dr. Shelby Putt (Illinois State University), Dr. Brandon Thomas (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater), Dr. Michelle Kibby-Faglier (Southern Illinois University)

Spring 2020

CBS Topics: What goes on my CV and where?, What Yonca learned on her PhD interviews, Academic Job Search

Second Year Student Presentations: Selena Villarreal, Yonca Cam, Sarah Lozano

Guest Presentation: Dr. Joe Hilgard, Illinois State University


Fall 2018

CBS Topics: Organizational Meeting, Overview of CBS Sequence, Applying to PhD programs and writing personal statements, Best practices for grad student teaching, Communicating research to lay audiences

Invited Colloquium: - Dr. Jon Pettibone, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, "Are people with autism apectrum conditions more resistant to context effects in preference?" - Dr. Drew Abney, Indiana University, "On form and function: Investigating temporal distributions of behavior in infancy" - Dr. Jen Coane, Colby College, "What is the difference between not remembering and not knowing?"

Viewing and discussion of TED talk (Erica Stone) “Academic research is publicly funded-why isn’t it publicly available?”

Spring 2019

CBS Topics: Organizational Meeting, How to Write A Lot

Article Discussion: Dr. Jeff Wagman, Dr. J. Cooper Cutting

Invited Colloquium: - Dr. Tamara Lorenz, University of Cincinnati, "Intentional Motion and its Relevance for Human-Robot Interaction" - Joey Bai, Brown University, "Visual control of locomotion in 1D pedestrian following" - Tatsu Shigeta, Northeastern University, "The Role of Physical Activity and Fitness in Cognitive and Brain Health"

Student Presentation: Jasmine Mason, Piper Rogers, Samantha Croney, and Selena Villareal


Fall 2017

CBS Topics: Organizational Meeting, Overview of CBS sequence, Applying to Ph.D. programs and writing personal statements

First year Student Reports: Jenny Gavin, Jasmine Mason, and Piper Rogers

Guest Speakers:

  • Brian Day, Butler University, Examining the Effects of Altered Avatars on Perception-Action in Virtual Reality
  • r. Benoît Bardy, Professor, University of Montpellier (France), What Your Moves Say About You: Action-Perception Dynamics and Mental Health
  • Dr. Haley Vlach, Assistant Professor, Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin Madison, "Learning to Forget, Forgetting to Learn: How Memory Shapes Cognitive Development

Article Discussion: Alex Dayer, "Is Consciousness Embodied?" by Jesse Prinz

Alumni Day Speaker: Christy England, M.S. 2000 Ph.D. 2006 (Educational Administration & Foundation, Illinois State), "The Value of a Degree in Psychology"

Research Colloquiua:

  • Dr. Dawn McBride, Dr. Valeri Farmer-Dougan and Jenny Gavin
  • Dr. Paul Garris, Biological Sciences, "What determines abuse potential of psychostimulants?"

Spring 2018

CBS Topics: Organizational Meeting; Visiting Ph.D. programs; Interviewing tips; Grants; Publishing

Student Presentation: Sarah Caputo, Olivia Cody, Alex Dayer, and Rachel VondeHaar


Fall 2016

CBS Topics: Organizational meeting; CBS sequence, Degree Audit, and How to write a thesis; How to construct your curriculum vitae; Applying to Ph.D. programs, and writing personal statements; Peer Reviews

Student Presentation: Rachel Workman

First Year Student Reports: Olivia Cody and Sarah Caputo, Olivia Cody, and Rachel VonderHaar

Faculty Presentations: Dr. Mita Puri; and Dr. Jeff Wagman

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Drew Abney, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Indiana University, The Complexity Matching Hypothesis for Human Communication
  • Dr. Gregory Simpson, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, The Persistence of Processing Prospective Context Effects in Visual Word Recognitions; Guest of the Institute for Prospective Cognition
  • Dr. Michael Torry, Illinois State, School of Kinesiology and Recreation, Biomechanics: Relating Human Function to Physiological Structure

Spring 2017

CBS Topics: Organizational meeting; 3MT (3 Minute Thesis); Visiting Ph.D. Programs

Article Discussions: Olivia Cody, How we make sense of time , Cooperrider & Núñez (2016) and A manifesto for reproducible science , Munafò, Nosek, Bishop, Button, Chambers, et al. (2017)

Student Presentations; Vince Cialdella, Matt Langley, Alex Dayer

Faculty Presentations: Dr. Alycia Hund and Dr. Jeff Wagman

Guest Speakers

  • Dr. Joshua M. Gulley, Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Topic: Imbalances in brain maturation and their role in adolescent-typical behavior and the consequences of amphetamine abuse.
  • Dr. Chris Pagano, Clemson University, Perceiving Haptic Distance-To-Break in a Simulated Minimally Invasive Surgery Task.
  • Dana Karraker, ISU Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology
  • Janis Swanton, ISU Research and Sponsored Programs, Topic: Grants

Fall 2015

CBS Topics: CBS sequence; How to write a thesis; How to construct your curriculum vitae; Applying to Ph.D. programs

Student Presentations: Vince Cialdella, Alex Dayer, Matt Langley, Valerie Rodriquez, Tatsu Shigeta, and Rachel Workman

Faculty Presentations: Dr. Steve Croker; Dr. Dawn McBride; and Dr. Corinne Zimmerman

Alumni Day Guest Speaker: Early Career Award Recipient Dr. Jennifer Coane, Colby College, Casting Nets through Memory: Capturing the Richness of Semantic Knowledge

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Daniel Casasanto, University of Chicago, How the Body Shapes Emotion in Brain and Behavior
  • Dr. Carly Leonard, University of California, Davis, Mechanisms of Attention and Their Relationship to Impairments in People with Schizophrenia
  • Dr. James Nairne, Purdue University, Adaptive Memory: Is the Evolutionary Account Still Viable?
  • Dr. Vanessa Simmering, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Exploring the Link Between Language and Spatial Skills

Spring 2016

CBS Topic: Visiting PhD programs

Student Presentations: Joey Bai, Kassandra Lee, Emilio Lobato, and Daniel Schloesser

Institute for Prospective Cognition Guest Speaker: Dr. Brian McCuskey, Utah State University, Sherlock Holmes: Virtual Reality Goes Viral

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Ellen Furlong, Illinois Wesleyan University, Comparative Cognition: What Animals Can Teach Us About Our Minds
  • Dr. Jean Pretz, Elizabethtown College, Use if Intuition and Analysis in Clinical Decision Making in Nursing
  • Dr. David Rosenbaum, Pennsylvania State University, The Cinderella of Psychology

Fall 2014

CBS Topics: The CBS sequence; How to write a thesis; How to construct your curriculum vitae; Applying to Ph.D. programs

Student Presentations: Joey Bai, Amanda Hubbard, Kassandra Lee, Emilio Lobato, Daniel Schloesser, and Tatsu Shigeta

Faculty Presentations: Dr. Thomas Critchfield, Dr. Amrita Puri, and Dr. Jeff Wagman

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Jeff Karpicke, Purdue University, Retrieval-Based Learning: Active Retrieval Promotes Long-Lasting Learning
  • Brandon Thomas, University of Cincinnati, Remembered Affordances: A Novel Perspective on the Nature of Affordance Perception

Spring 2015

CBS Topic: Visiting Ph.D. programs

Student Presentations: Jennifer Brown, Angela Conte, Amanda Hubbard, and Michael Nehlsen,

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Claudia Carello, University of Connecticut, Mutuality in the Perception of Affordances and the Control of Movement
  • Dr. Laura Colgin, University of Texas at Austin, Place Cell Coding During Slow and Fast Gamma Oscillations
  • Dr. Damian Kelty-Stephen, Grinnell College, When the "Ceteris" Aren't so "Paribus": Individual Differences in Cognitive Performance and the * Full-Body, Multiscaled Imbalances that Participants Lay at Our Laboratory Doorsteps
  • Dr. Lana Kuhle, Illinois State's Department of Philosophy, Perception Beyond Object Perception - A Case for Expanding our Standard Account of Perception in Bodily Awareness
  • Dr. Gary Raney, University of Illinois at Chicago, Can Reading About Gravity Help You Understand Cats? Transfer Benefits Across Seemingly Unrelated Texts
  • Dr. Tom Stoffregen, University of Minnesota, Exploratory Movement in Affordance Perception, or the Kinesiology of Epistemology
  • Dr. Michael Turvey, University of Connecticut, The Theory of Perception-Action for All Organisms: What Kind of Science Does It Entail?
  • David Vinson, M.S., University of California, Merced, Language Use Under Social and Cognitive Constraints

Fall 2013

CBS Topics: CBS sequence; How to write a thesis; Applying to doctoral programs

Student Presentations: Jennifer Brown, Rebecca Campbell, Angela Conte, Brian Day, Alina Efanov, Amanda Hubbard, Michael Nehlsen, and Daniel Nuccio

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Jennifer Coane, Colby College, Activation Processes and their Role in False Memory
  • Dr. Ehtibar Dzhafarov, Purdue University, Measuring Context and Determinism in Behavioral, Biological, and Physical Systems
  • Dr. James Nairne, Purdue University, Adaptive Memory: Evolutionary Influences on Remembering
  • Dr. Maggie Renken, Georgia State University, Unpacking Epistemic Cognition: What are the Sources of Students' Science Knowledge?
  • Dr. Peter Smith, Illinois State, Department of Kinesiology & Recreation, Moderators of Attentional Focus Effects on Performing and Learning Motor Skills

Spring 2014

CBS Topics: PhD. programs and getting a job

Student Presentations: Angela Conte, Brian Day, Devin Gill, Amanda Hubbard, and Daniel Nuccio

Faculty Presenetation: Dr. Scott Jordan

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Tony Chemero, University of Cincinnati-McMicken College of Arts and Sciences, Brown Bag: The Human-Environment System
  • Dr. Robert Goldstone, Indiana University, Being Part of Something Bigger Than Us: The Patterns That Human Groups Spontaneously Create

Fall 2012

CBS Topics: CBS sequence; How to write a thesis; Applying to doctorate programs

Student Presentations: Jennifer Brown, Brian Day, Devin Gill, Jacob Foulks, Samantha Petrella, and Doug Schuweiler

Faculty Presentations: Dr Dawn McBride, and Dr. Jeff Wagman

Institute for Prospective Cognition Guest Speaker: Dr. Michael Spivey, University of California, Merced, Synchrony and Coordination in Human Interaction

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Angela Grippo, Northern Illinois University, Depression and Heart Disease: Investigating Biopsychosocial Mechanisms Using Animal Models
  • Dr. Mark McDaniel, Washington University, Importing Memory Principles to Education: Improving Learning and Retention
  • Dr. Jon Pettibone, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Exploring the Construction of Preference Using Traditional and Dynamic Connectionist Models of Decision Making
  • Dr. Larissa Samuelson, University of Iowa, Grounding Word Learning in Space and Time

Spring 2013

CBS Topic: Applying to and visiting Ph.D. programs

Student Presentations: Devin Gill, Samantha Petrella, and Daniel Nuccio

Institute for Prospective Cognition Guest Speaker: Dr. Shawn Green, University of Wisconsin, Brains Raised on Video Games: Where Are We Headed?

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Jim Clinton, Northern Illinois University, Some Folks Call it the Kuleshov Effect: Engendering Emotions in Narrative Film
  • Dr. Rebecca Davis, Grand Valley State University. Wayfinding in Aging: The Effects of Colorful and Familiar Cues

Fall 2011

CBS Topics: CBS sequence; How to write a thesis; Applying to doctoral programs; How to construct a curriculum vitae

Student Presentations: Drew Abney, Devin Gill, Daniel Nuccio, Erica Ranade, and David Vinson

Faculty Presentations: Dr. Valeri Farmer-Dougan, and Dr. Scott Jordan

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Dave Gallo, University of Chicago, Quality Trumps Quantity in Episodic Memory Monitoring
  • Dr. Jay Holden, University of Cincinnati, The Self: Organizing Dynamics of Cognitive Performance
  • Dr. Matthew Hunsinger, Mary Baldwin College, The Benefits of Meditation for the Self and Other
  • Dr. Shaun Vecera, University of Iowa, Control of Visual Attention: Capture, Complexity, and Contingencies

Spring 2012

CBS Topic: Preparing for doctoral interviews

Student Presentations: Drew Abney, Andrew Baker, Douglas Schuweiler, Brandon Thomas, and David Vinson

Institute for Prospective Cognition Guest Speaker: Dr. Takahiro Higuchi, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Prospective Control of Locomotion

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. John Kostelnick, Illinois State's Department of Geology-Geography, Perceptual and Cognitive Issues in Mapmaking
  • Dr. Derek D. Reed, University of Kansas, Paradoxical Preferences: Discounting the Value of Abundance
  • Dr. Jeffrey Zacks, Washington University, Event Perception, Cognitive Control, and Memory

Fall 2010

CBS Topics: CBS sequence; How to write a thesis

Student Presentations: Drew Abney, Andrew Baker, Jim Clinton, Andrew Kenning, Doug Schuweiler, Brandon Thomas, and David Vinson

Faculty Presentation: Dr. Corinne Zimmerman

Alumni Day Guest Speakers:

  • Alumna of the Year Award Recipient Dr. Kathleen Bieschke, Penn State University, Trainee Competence to Work with Sexual Minority Clients: The Role of Affirmation
  • Early Career Award Recipient Dr. Michael Olson, University of Tennessee: Implicit Attitudes: Origins and Consequences

Institute for Prospective Cognition Guest Speaker: Noah Earle, The Troubadour and the Triangle: The Evolution of Artistic Expression as a Corollary to Shifts in Identity

Guest Speaker:

  • Dr. Charles Coey, University of Cincinnati
  • Dr. Joseph Magliano, Norther Illinois University, Why Does Continuity Editing in FilmWork So Well?: A Neuro-cognitive Explanation
  • Dr. Jay Smart, Miami University, You Be the Judge: Perceptual Quantification of Postural Motion
  • Dr. David Uttal, Northwestern University, Making the Case for Space: Why Spatial Cognition Matters in STEM Learning

Spring 2011

CBS Topic: Tips for preparing a course lecture

Student Presentations: Drew Abney, Andrew Baker, Justin Durtschi, Ankit Patel, Matthew Richardson, Brandon Thomas, and David Vinson

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Kona Jones, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and Richland Community College, Best Practices in Distance Education: Determining the Effectiveness of a Mandatory Online Student Orientation
  • Dr. Brad Morris, Grand Valley State University, Am I Right or Am I Wrong? Inconsistency Detection Jump Starts Knowledge Change
  • Dr. Mike Richardson, University of Cincinnati, Recent Developments in the Dynamics of Movement Interference and Group Synchrony
  • Dr. Chris Wahlheim, Washington University, Retrieval Processes: Natural Concept Learning, Proactive Effects of Memory, and Remindings

Fall 2009

CBS Topics: CBS sequence; How to write a thesis

Student Presentations: Jim Clinton, Justin Durtschi, Andrew Kenning, Eric Nelson, Amanda Padgitt, Ankit Patel, Matthew Richardson, and Lynn Spotts

Faculty Presentations: Dr. Tom Critchfield, Dr. Steve Croker, Dr. Scott Jordan, and Dr. Jeff Wagman

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Harald Atmanspacher, C. G. Jung Institute, Zurich, Relative Onticity and Contextual Emergence
  • Dr. Nicole Gage, University of California, Irvine, Tuning In and Tuning Out: MEG Measures of Neural Resource Allocation for Speech and Nonspeech in Auditory Language Cortex in Typically Developing Children
  • Dr. Jacqueline Nadel, University Pierre and Marie Curie, Pitié-Salpétrière, France, Where Do You End and I Begin? The Social Nature of a Developing Mind
  • Dr. Jim Nairne, Purdue University, Adaptive Memory: Survival Processing Enhances Retention
  • Dr. Michael Riley, University of Cincinnati, Coordination as the Soft-Assembly of Action Systems: Lessons from Postural Sway Dynamics
  • Dr. Jessica Witt, Purdue University, Seeing into the Future: How Anticipated Action Influences Spatial Perception

Spring 2010

CBS Topic: Constructing a curriculum vitae

Student Presentations: Jim Clinton, Justin Jonathan Davis, Durtschi, Antik Patel, Matthew Richardson, Lynn Spotts, and Kelly Wystarczyk

Faculty Presentation: Dr. Corinne Zimmerman

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Robert Bishop, Wheaton College, On the Contextually-Emergent Nature of Meaningful Action
  • Dr. Tomie Hahn, Rennselaer Polytechnic Institute, Sensational Knowledge: Transmission and Entrainment
  • Dr. William Klipec, Drake University, The Rat P300 ERP is a Correlate of Recognizing the Conditioned Reinforcing and Informational Properties of Stimuli

Fall 2008

CBS Topics: CBS sequence; Applying to PhD programs; Completing a thesis; IRB and IACUC procedures

Faculty Presentation: Dr. Thomas Critchfield

Alumni Day Guest Speaker: Alumnus of the Year Award Recipient Dr. Kristofer Hagglund, Associate Dean of the School of Health Professions, University of Missouri, Psychology and Public Health are Twin Disciplines

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Steve Croker, University of Derby, England
  • Dr. Iring Koch, Institute of Psychology, RWTH Aachen University, Germany, Task Switching
  • Dr. Berry Raulerson, University of Southern Indiana, Measuring Working Memory Capacity Using Repetition Priming of Words
  • Dr. Matthew Schlesinger, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, The Neural Basis for Visual Selective Attention in Young Infants
  • Dr. Cees van Leeuwen, RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Tokyo, Japan, Symmetry and Regularity Perception in Non-letter and Letter Shapes and What its Implications for Difficulties in Learning to Read
  • Dr. Alexander Varakin, Knox College, Remembering the Unseen and Forgetting the Scene


Student Presentations: Charles Coey, and Kate Hudson

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Jim Blascovich, University of California, Santa Barbara, Products of Consciousness: Is Reality Always Virtual?
  • Dr. Daniel Corts, Augustana College
  • Dr. Guy van Orden, University of Cincinnati, Self-Organization of Cognitive Performance

Fall 2007

No information available

Spring 2008

Student Presentations: Ramya Chandrashekar, Elizabeth Dalianis, Katie Hudson, Poonam Joshi, Chris Sorric, Stephanie Stillings, and Leslie Wise

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Jodie Plumert, University of Iowa, How Do Immature Perceptual and Cognitive Skills Put Child Cyclists At-risk for Injury?
  • Dr. Brad Sheese, Illinois Wesleyan University, Genetic and Environmental Contributions to Early Cognitive Development
  • Dr. Kevin Shockley, University of Cincinnati, Multimodal Specification and Perceptual Equivalence: Foray into the Global Array
  • Dr. Gottfried Süssenbacher, Institut für Psychologie der Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt (Austria), "Phylogentic" Amnesia: Precondition or Self-Consciousness?

Fall 2006

CBS Topics: Completing your master's degree; Master's Thesis process; Applying to Ph.D. programs; IRB Procedures

Faculty Presentations: Dr. Cooper Cutting, Dr. Valeri Farmer-Dougan, and Dr. Scott Jordan

Guest Speakers:

  • Jennifer Coane, Colby College, An Exploration of Orthographic and Phonological Influences in Visual Word Recognition
  • Dr. James St. James, Millikin University, The Intuitive Physics of Levers and the Detection of Fraud in Claims of Back Injury
  • Dr. Jim Narine, Purdue UniversityDr. John Spencer, Re-thinking Thought: The Dynamic Field Theory and the Dynamics of Visuo-Spatial Cognition
  • Dr. Diana Walker, The Chicago School of Professional Psychology, The Psychopharmacology of Inhaled Anesthetics as a Model of Inhalant Abuse

Spring 2007

Student Presentations: Charles Coey, Rebecca Georgis, Kate Hudson, Poonam Joshi, Tom Morrison, Brian Seanor, Chris Sorric, and Stephanie Stilling

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Tony Chemero, Franklin & Marshall College, Radical Embodied Cognitive Science
  • Dr. Tony Regio-Carte
  • Dr. Frances Wang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Human Navigation and Nestled Environments
  • Dr. Joe Williams, Illinois Wesleyan University

Fall 2005

CBS Topics: The master's degree; Applying to Ph.D. programs; The thesis proposal; IRB and IACUC procedures

Honors Students Research Presentations:

  • Alicia Pachla: Spatial Working Memory in Children with and without Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Summer Scott: Effect of Grammatical Class on Semantic and Phonological Mediated Priming Using Homophone Triplets

Faculty Research: Dr. Alycia Hund, What counts as 'by': Young children's use of relative distance to judge nearbyness

Guest speakers:

  • Dr. Mark Dixon, Southern Illinois University, Near-Miss Effects on Response Latencies and Win Estimations of Slot Machine Players
  • Dr. Art Krammer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Dr. Joe Magliano, Northern Illinois University Generating Predictive Inferences While Viewing a Movie
  • Dr. James Nairne, Purdue University
  • Dr. Jim Zacny, University of Chicago Drug Dependency on Prescription Opiod Non-medical Use and Abuse

Spring 2006

CBS Topics: Applying to graduate school; Grant writing; Post-master's degree employment

Student Research Colloquia: Matthew Hunsinger, Berry Raulerson, and Kona Taylor

Guest Speakers:

  • Mr. Marcello Ghin, University of Paderborn, Germany
  • Dr. Morton A. Heller, Eastern Illinois University, Touch and Blindness
  • Dr. Jason S. McCarley, University of Illinois at Urbana, Human Performance in Baggage X-ray Screening: Attention, Perception, Metacognition
  • Dr. Jean Pretz, Illinois Wesleyan University
  • Dr. Amy Shelton, Johns Hopkins University, Spatial Perspective

Fall 2004

CBS Topics: The master's degree; Writing a thesis; IRB procedures

Student Presentations: Matthew Hunsinger, Kona Taylor, and Chris Wahlheim

Faculty Presentation: Dr. Thomas Critchfield

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Aaron Benjamin, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, False Memories
  • Dr. Dave Fraser, Northwestern University, Serial Spatial Working Memory: Connecting Thought to Action
  • Dr. Amy Shelton, Johns Hopkins University, Cognitive Maps of Everyday Space: How Encoding Affects Representation

Spring 2005

CBS Topics: Applying to graduate school; Grant writing; Post-master's degree employment

Student Research Colloquia: Matthew Hunsinger, Berry Raulerson, and Kona Taylor

Guest Speakers:

  • Mr. Marcello Ghin, University of Paderborn, Germany
  • Dr. Morton A. Heller, Eastern Illinois University, Touch and Blindness
  • Dr. Jason S. McCarley, University of Illinois at Urbana, Human Performance in Baggage X-ray Screening: Attention, Perception, Metacognition
  • Dr. Jean Pretz, Illinois Wesleyan UniversityDr. Amy Shelton, Johns Hopkins University, Spatial Perspective

Fall 2003

CBS Topics: The master's degree; IRB process

Student Presentations: Jennifer Coane and Tim Hubbard

Faculty Presentations: Dr. Thomas Critchfield, Dr. Cooper Cutting, Dr. Val Farmer-Dougan, Dr. Byron Heidenreich, Dr. Alycia Hund, Dr. Jeff Wagman, and Dr. Corinne Zimmerman

Guest Speaker: Dr. Alex Kirlik, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Ecological Modeling of Judgment under Uncertainty

Spring 2004

CBS Topic : Thesis procedures

Student Presentations: Amy Attivissimo, Jori Colbert, Matthew Hunsinger, Berry Raulerson, Kona Taylor, and Nikki Temple

Guest Speakers:

  • Dr. Boris Kotchoubey, University of Tubingen, Germany, ERPs and Cortical Anticipation
  • Dr. Gary Raney, University of Illinois-Chicago, Text Comprehension
  • Dr. Katja Wiemer-Hastings, Northern Illinois University, Abstract Concepts: Closing in on a Challenge