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Plan of Study

The Developmental Psychology sequence focuses on the scientific study of stability and change in biological, cognitive, emotional, and social functioning across the life span. This approach to development is distinctly ecological and interdisciplinary. The curriculum provides in-depth exposure to developmental theories, methodologies, and applications. Students work with faculty on research, generate their own projects, and frequently present their work at national, regional, and state conferences.

There are two options available for graduate study. An applied option is for students who plan to enter careers in a diverse array of community settings that provide human services that requires training in Developmental Psychology. A predoctoral option prepares students for advanced graduate study and facilitates entry into academic careers. Both options require completing a master's thesis.

Business/Service Focus

PSY 451 Psychology of Diversity PSY 491 Internship in College Teaching of Psychology PSY 498A02 Professional Practice * (1-12 credits) SOC 411 Seminar in Gerontology Statistics course(s) (e.g., PSY 441, 442, 443, 444) based on thesis research

  • Students should review the Professional Practice Flowchart. The Developmental Psychology PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE AGREEMENT must be completed and signed by the student, business or agency supervisor, and professional practice coordinator. The signed Agreement should be submitted to the graduate coordinator for approval. The Agreement must be approved by the graduate coordinator before students can register for PSY 498A02.
Predoctoral Focus
  • PSY 400 Independent Study
  • PSY 418 Learning and Cognition
  • PSY 420 Theories of Personality
  • PSY 441 Experimental Design
  • PSY 442 Test Theory
  • PSY 443 Regression Analysis
  • PSY 444 Multivariate Analysis
  • PSY 445 Covariance Structure Modeling
  • PSY 455 Cognitive Science
  • PSY 491 Internship in College Teaching of Psychology
  • SOC 474 Personal Relationships and Social Connectionsy
  • WS 490 Feminist Theories and Methodological Issues
Graduate Degree Requirements

The sequence includes 36 credits (20 required credits; 16 elective credits)

  • PSY 331A01 Studies in Experimental Psychology - Developmental
  • PSY 440 Statistics: Data Analysis and Methodology
  • PSY 452 Seminar in Advanced Developmental Psychology (infancy and childhood)
  • PSY 453 Seminar in Adolescent Development
  • PSY 428 Professional Seminar in Developmental Psychology (4 credits)
  • PSY 499 Master's Thesis (4-6 credits)

Which electives you enroll in should be guided by the type of career you are interested in pursuing. You should discuss your choices with your thesis committee chair and/or the course instructor to determine which courses best suit your needs and interests.

Progress Report

All students receive feedback on degree progress. In order to facilitate this feedback, students should complete a PROGRESS REPORT and Master's Degree Audit. The Progress Report and Degree Audit should be submitted to the sequence coordinator by August 31 each year. Students will receive a written evaluation of their progress.

Graduate Certificate in Women's and Gender Studies

Students interested in women and gender are encouraged to pursue the Graduate Certificate in Women's and Gender Studies . This interdisciplinary certificate offers students academic exposure to feminist theories and methods.

The graduate certificate in Women's and Gender Studies (WGS) is an option for students whose interest in women and gender issues leads them toward particular courses and thesis topics in their department/school and for those who seek further work in interdisciplinary feminist theory and methods. This graduate certificate requires 12 credits for its course of study. Required courses include:

  • WGS 490 Feminist Theories and Methodological Issues
  • or ENG 460 Feminist Literary Theories
  • Elective courses (9 credits)

Students should also review the Women's and Gender Studies section of the Graduate Catalog for more information about this certificate. Students interested in pursuing this certificate should contact the graduate coordinator.

Graduate Certificate in Social Aspects of Aging

Students interested in aging are encouraged to pursue the Graduate Certificate in Social Aspects of Aging in conjunction with the master's degree in Developmental Psychology. The Graduate Certificate is located in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology in cooperation with Communication Sciences and Disorders, Family and Consumer Sciences, Health Sciences, Psychology, and the School of Social Work. This multidisciplinary sequence offers graduate students academically and professionally oriented experiences in gerontology. The certificate requirements include:

  • SOC 411 Seminar in Gerontology
  • 9 credits from the following approved courses
    • PSY 303 Adult Development and Aging
    • PSY 498 Professional Practice or PSY 400 Independent Study
    • COM 331 Human Communication and the Aging Process
    • FCS/HSC/KNR 394 Health Aspects of Aging

Students should also review the Sociology and Anthropology section of the Graduate Catalog for more information about this certificate. Several of these courses fulfill requirements within both the Developmental Psychology sequence and the Graduate Certificate in Social Aspects of Aging. Students interested in pursuing this certificate should contact the graduate coordinator.