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Graduate Independent Study

Psychology graduate students have an opportunity to register for intensive study in an area of the student's interest. PSY 400 or PSY 500 is an independent study course under the subervision of a qualified faculty member. A maximum of 12 credits may be applied to a degree program.

According to the Graduate Catalog, independent study is available for graduate students who have completed considerable work in a degree program, who are in good academic standing, and who have demonstrated ability to profit from independent study.

Students and their faculty supervisors should complete the Independent Study Contract PSY 400 or PSY 500.The contract is an interactive Microsoft Word document that should be completed on a computer. Students should complete the top portion of the contract and provide a brief description of the independent study project. The faculty supervisor must complete the student's responsibilities and grading criteria portion of the contract. The contract should be printed and signed by both parties. The signed contract should be submitted to the program or sequence coordinator for approval. After signing the contract, the program or sequence coordinator should submit the contract to the Graduate Programs Office for approval by the department chair.

Students cannot register for PSY 400 or PSY 500 until the contract has been approved by the department chair. When the contract is approved, the Graduate Programs Office will processed an override for the course, and students will be notified when they can register.