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Related Skills

  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Be sensitive to feelings of others
  • Critical thinker and good decision maker
  • Good work ethic
  • Strong team member
  • Ability to work independently
  • Problem solving skills
  • Have a good background in human behavior

Being Successful in the Field

Master's Degree

  • Licensed Clinical Social Worker
  • Professional Counselor
  • Educational, Vocational, and School Counselors
  • Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors
  • Rehabilitation Counselors
  • Licensed Marriage & Family Therapists

Doctoral Degree

  • Counseling Psychologist
  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist
  • Experimental Psychologist
  • School Psychologist
  • Sport Psychologist
  • Industrial/Organizational Psychologist

Related Fields

Human Services

Direct Care:

  • Counseling
  • Psychotherapy
  • Case Management
  • Mental Health Services
  • Physical Health and Wellness
  • Crisis Work
  • Art Therapy
  • Music Therapy


  • Advocacy
  • Programming
  • Community Relations
  • Management
  • Development/Fund Raising
  • Grant Writing


  • Federal government, including Departments of Health andHuman Services, Justice, Veterans Administration, VA Hospitals
  • State government, including Departments of Human Services, Mental Health & Mental Retardation, Community mental health centers, State psychiatric hospitals, Facilities for mentally impaired, Justice, Probation and Parole
  • Local government
  • Senior citizens' centers
  • United Way agencies
  • Social service/nonprofit organizations
  • Religiously affiliated service organizations
  • Hospitals/healthcare providers
  • Private psychiatric facilities
  • Employee Assistance Programs (EAP)
  • College and university counseling centers
  • Private practice


  • Obtain essential practical experience through part-time or summer jobs such as camp counselor, tutor, or resident hall advisor. 
  • Complete an internship for academic credit. 
  • Gain experience through volunteering with organizations such as crisis hotlines, Big Brother or Sister,Special Olympics, service fraternities or sororities, etc. 
  • Many entry-level helping positions require one year of related experience. 
  • Volunteer experience and internships can typically fulfill this requirement. 
  • Learn to work well with different types of people. 
  • Develop strong communication skills. 
  • Cultivate the desire to help others. 
  • Become fluent in a foreign language to serve clients who may not speak English. 
  • Be willing to relocate for increased job opportunities. 
  • Become familiar with government hiring procedures. 
  • Acquire knowledge of government and community resources available for those in need. 
  • Obtain a graduate degree in psychology, counseling, or social work for positions involving substantive counseling or psychotherapy or for advancement into administrative/supervisory positions. 
  • Many specialties exist at the graduate level, for example school counseling, mental health counseling, counseling psychology,etc. 
  • Pursue particular degrees depending upon interests and career goals. 
  • Maintain an excellent academic record and seek experiences valued by graduate programs.


  • Social Research
  • Market Research
  • Data Analysis


  • Federal, state and local government agencies
  • National headquarters of non-profit organizations
  • Universities and colleges
  • Market research firms
  • Market research departments of consumer goods and manufacturing firms
  • Consulting firms


  • Work with a professor on his or her research project. 
  • Develop strong quantitative and statistical skills. 
  • Take additional math and statistics courses. 
  • Obtain a graduate degree for greater opportunities. 
  • Obtain related experience. Get a part-time or summer field service position with a market research firm. 
  • Get involved in the American Marketing Association. 
  • Earn a graduate degree in psychology, statistics or marketing for the greatest number of opportunities.


  • Teaching
  • Student Affairs
  • Administration
  • Training
  • Adult Learning


  • Public and private K-12 schools
  • Colleges and universities
  • Community instruction offered by government or socialservice agencies, e.g. GED classes, life skills, parenting, etc.


  • Obtain a teaching certificate for public school positions. 
  • Multiple certifications will increase marketability.
  • Seek guidance from the education department of your college. 
  • Earn a doctoral degree for post-secondary teaching. 
  • Secure strong personal recommendations. 
  • Volunteer or work as a tutor. 
  • Gain experience working with children or adolescents. 
  • Acquire related experience on campus as a resident hall advisor, orientation leader, admissions tour guide, or peer mentor. 
  • Develop strong communication skills and learn to speak well in front of a group.

Human Resources

  • Employment and Recruitment
  • Labor Relations
  • Compensation and Benefits
  • Organizational Development
  • Training


  • Large companies
  • Government agencies
  • Staffing and employment services
  • Large non-profit organizations including hospitals and educational institutions


  • Gain relevant experience in human resources by completing an internship. 
  • Earn a minor in business or supplement curriculum with business courses. 
  • Seek leadership positions in student organizations. 
  • Develop strong computer skills.  Earn an MBA or a graduate degree in human resources to attain higher-level positions.

Business & Industry

  • Sales
  • Customer Service
  • Management
  • Insurance: Claims Management, Underwriting
  • Real Estate: Sales, Property Management
  • Public Relations


  • Service providers
  • Wholesalers
  • Manufacturers
  • Retail stores including:  Department stores, Specialty stores, Discount stores, Super retailers
  • Online retailers
  • Call centers
  • Financial institutions
  • Insurance companies
  • Real estate companies
  • Property management firms
  • Apartment complexes
  • Public relations departments of large businesses or nonprofit organizations


  • Develop career goals and seek relevant experiences to prepare for those goals. 
  • Earn a minor in business or supplement curriculum with business or communication courses.
  • Obtain relevant experience through internships or part-time jobs. 
  • Work a part-time or summer job in a retail store. 
  • Demonstrate a willingness to take on additional responsibilities such as "assistant manager." 
  • Participate in student organizations and seek leadership roles. 
  • Learn to work well with different types of people. 
  • Develop a strong commitment to customer satisfaction. 
  • For sales, develop the ability to work well under pressure and be comfortable in a competitive environment.
  • Be willing to start in a management-trainee program or other entry-level positions. 
  • When job searching, seek employers interested in hiring "any major." 
  • Understand the top skills employers desire and be prepared to demonstrate them, such as communication (oral and written), computer, interpersonal, leadership and teamwork, etc.

Other Professions

  • Advertising
  • Affirmative Action Officer
  • Career Counselor
  • Caseworker Child Development Specialist
  • Child Welfare Worker
  • Clergy
  • Clinical Manager
  • Community Relations Director
  • Correctional Officer
  • Criminologist
  • Customs Inspector
  • Day Care Center Supervisor
  • Day Treatment Clinician
  • Deaf & Hearing Impaired Service
  • Director, Counseling Center
  • Drug Abuse & Prevention Educator
  • Ethnic Organization & Service Director
  • Geriatric Case Manager
  • Grievance Officer
  • Health Educator
  • Hospice Health Worker
  • Human Resource Manager
  • Infant Mental Health Specialist
  • Intensive Family Therapist
  • Job Analyst
  • Juvenile Detention Center Advisor
  • Lawyer
  • Management Analyst
  • Market Research Analyst
  • Mental Health Worker
  • Minority & Race Relations Specialist
  • Motivational Researcher
  • Occupational Therapist
  • Police Officer
  • Populations Studies Researcher
  • Probation Officer
  • Professor
  • Recreation Worker
  • Recreational Professional
  • Rehabilitation Counselor
  • Research Assistant
  • Services Director
  • Psychologist
  • Psychometrist
  • Rape Crisis Services
  • Suicide Prevention Services Specialist
  • Trauma Support Specialist
  • Youth Services Specialist

Career Industry Liaison

Name Office Email Phone
Megan Ruffin  223 Bone Student Center  (309) 438-2200 

Internship Coordinator

Name Office Email Phone
Karen Mark  423 DeGarmo Hall  (309) 438-8130