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Plan of Study

The Quantitative Psychology master's degree sequence focuses on the use of quantitative methods in the solution of problems in theoretical and applied psychology. The sequence provides critical foundation preparation for advanced graduate study and can facilitate entry into careers in community college teaching and a variety of careers in the business-industrial sector. For the master's thesis, students are encouraged to work with any faculty member in the department on any topic of interest in which measurement and statistics is relevant or applied in novel ways. The graduate sequence can be completed with two years of full-time enrollment.

Graduate Curriculum

The Quantitative Psychology sequence objective is to build a solid foundation of basic psychological principles that help students to understand and explain human behavior. Students use computers and technology in data collection, management, and analysis through coursework. The training requires a proficiency in common statistical software packages and using the Internet for data collection and analysis, and applied experiences. Students must complete a master's thesis based on original research. Completing a thesis is an indispensable part of learning the intricacies of integrating theory, design, measurement, and analysis. Work on the thesis typically begins during the student's second semester, and it is usually complete at the end of the second year.

To accomplish our objectives, students are required to complete a minimum of 32 graduate credits and the master's thesis. Listed below are the required courses and other courses that are strongly recommended (depending on the student's specific interests). All courses are three credits unless otherwise noted.

Required Courses

  • PSY 425 Quantitative Psychology Professional Seminar
  • PSY 440 Statistics: Data Analysis and Methodology
  • PSY 441 Experimental Design
  • PSY 442 Test Theory
  • PSY 443 Regression Analysis
  • PSY 444 Multivariate Analysis
  • PSY 445 Covariance Structure Modeling
  • PSY 499 Master's Thesis (4-6 credits)

Recommended Courses

  • PSY 375 Personnel Psychology
  • PSY 376 Organizational Psychology
  • PSY 400 Independent Study (1-4 credits)
  • PSY 418 Learning and Cognition
  • PSY 420 Theories of Personality
  • PSY 431 Theory and Research in Social Psychology
  • PSY 455 Cognitive Science
  • PSY 498A03 Professional Practice (1-9 credits)

Approved 300-level or 400-level courses in the following departments:

  • Applied Computer Science
  • Educational Administration and Foundations
  • Mathematics

Electives: Other courses appropriate to the student's interests and goals

Sample Two-Year Plan

Year 1


  • PSY 425 Professional Seminar
  • PSY 440 Statistics: Data Analysis and Methodology
  • 2 electives (e.g., PSY 418, 420, or other graduate courses congruent with professional goals)


  • PSY 425 Professional Seminar
  • PSY 441 Experimental Design
  • PSY 442 Test Theory
  • 1 or 2 elective(s)

Year 2


  • PSY 425 Professional Seminar
  • PSY 443 Regression Analysis
  • PSY 444 Multivariate Analysis
  • PSY 499 Master's Thesis
  • 1 elective


  • PSY 425 Professional Seminar
  • PSY 445 Covariance Structure Modeling
  • PSY 499 Master's Thesis
  • 1 elective

Note: The schedule above is composed of courses currently identified in the Graduate Catalog. Courses proposed in the future could change the structure of this master's degree sequence.