Alexandra Ilie
Associate Professor

DEG Degarmo Hall 456
Office Hours
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- About
- Education
- Research
Current Courses
499.004Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
230.001Psychology Applied to Work: Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology
290.004Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship
340.004Statistics For The Social Sciences
Teaching Interests & Areas
Statistics Industrial/Organizational Psychology Motivation
Research Interests & Areas
Workplace stress, Counterproductive work behaviors, Individual differences
Ph D Industrial-Organizational Psychology
University of South Florida
Tampa, FL, USA
Journal Article
Ion, A., Iliescu, D., Ilie, A., & Ispas, D. (2016). The emic-etic approach to personality measurement in personnel selection. Personality and Individual Differences, 97, 55-60.
Iliescu, D., Ispas, D., Sulea, C., & Ilie, A. (2015). Vocational Fit and Counterproductive Work Behaviors: A Self-Regulation Perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 21-39.
Ispas, D., Iliescu, D., Ilie, A., & Johnson, R.E. (2014). Exploring the Cross-Cultural Generalizability of the Five Factor Model of Personality: The Romanian NEO PI-R. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 45, 1074-1088.
Ispas, D., Iliescu, D., Ilie, A., Sulea, C., Askew, K, Rohfls, J., & Whalen, K. (2014). Revisiting the relationship between impression management and job performance. Journal of Research in Personality, 51, 47-53.
Ilie, A., Penney, L., Ispas, D., & Iliescu, D. The role of trait anger in the stressor-CWB relationship: convergent findings from multiple samples and methodologies. Applied Psychology: An International Review 61 (2012): 415-436.
Cognitive Reflection Tests and Academic Performance.. Midwestern Psychological Association. (2024)
Ilie, A., Archos, H.C., White, E., Ispas, D., Iliescu, D., & Askew, K. (2016, April). Mindfulness in the relationship between workplace stressors and strains. Paper accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, CA.
Archos, H.*, Ispas, D., Ilie, A., & Iliescu, D. (2015, April). Age and gender differences in the FFM. Paper presented at the Illinois State University Graduate Research Symposium.
Gabka, K.*, Ispas, D., & Ilie, A. (2015, April). Workplace stressors and employee well-being: the roles of affect, boredom proneness, and counterproductive work behaviors. Paper presented at the Illinois State University Graduate Research Symposium.
Ilie, A., McCarthy, A.*, Perez, K. M.*, Ispas, D., & Iliescu, D. (2015, April). Mediators of the workplace bullying – job attitudes relationship. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.
Ion, A., Iliescu, D., Ispas, D., & Ilie, A. (2015, April). Incremental validity of emic-etic personality dimensions in predicting job performance. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.
Ion, A., Ispas, D., Ilie, A., & Iliescu, D. (2015, May). The emic-etic approach to personality measurement in personnel selection. Paper presented at the 17th European Congress of Work and Organizational Psychology, Oslo, Norway.
White, E.*, Ispas, D., Ilie, A., Iliescu, D. (2015, April). Individual differences as predictors of maximum academic performance. Paper presented at the Illinois State University Graduate Research Symposium.
Wolfe, D.*, Ispas, D., Ilie, A., Iliescu, D. (2015, April). Personality Test Faking Detection and Selection Rates. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Philadelphia, PA.
Wolfe, D.*, Ispas, D., Ilie, A., Iliescu, D. (2015, April). Personality test faking detection and selection rates. Paper presented at the Illinois State University Graduate Research Symposium.