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Allison Nguyen

Assistant Professor
DEG Degarmo Hall 435
Office Hours
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  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research


I am a psycholinguist deeply interested in understanding how people can shape the conversations they participate in. My work sits at the intersection of linguistic representation and spontaneous communication, with much of my work exploring how conversational effects arise from the interaction of semantic, pragmatic, and contextual factors. I employ a variety of methods in my work, including experimental methods, corpus analyses, and qualitative methods, as well as collaborating with psychologists across subfields, linguists across subfields and scholars in neighboring fields, such as computer science. I hold a B.S. in Cognitive Science from UCLA, a MS in Psychology (Cognitive) from UCSC, a PhD in Psychology (Cognitive), and an MA in Linguistics from UCSC.

Current Courses

390.016Advanced Research Apprenticeship

499.016Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

331.002Laboratory In Research Methods For Psych: Cognitive Processes

392.004Senior Seminar

290.016Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship

MA Linguistics

University of California, Santa Cruz

PhD Cognitive Psychology

University of California, Santa Cruz

MS Cognitive Psychology

University of California, Santa Cruz

BS Cognitive Science

University of California, Los Angeles

Outstanding TA Award

UCSC Psychology Department

Humanizing Technology Teaching Fellowship

UCSC The Humanities Institute

Quarter Dissertation Fellowship

UCSC Division of Social Sciences

Summer Dissertation Fellowship

UCSC Psychology Department

Frank X. Barron Award in Creativity Research

UCSC Psychology Department

Summer Research Award

UCSC Psychology Department


UC Regents

The Federico and Rena Perlino Award

UCSC Psychology Department

Travel Grant

UCSC Psychology Department

Journal Article

Nguyen, A., Roberts, T., Anand, P., & Fox Tree, J. Look, Dude: How hyperpartisan and non-hyperpartisan speech differ in online commentary. Discourse & Society 33.3 (2022): 371-390.
Fox Tree, J., Whittaker, S., Herring, S., Chowdhury, Y., Nguyen, A., & Takayama, L. Psychological distance in mobile telepresence. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 151 (2021): 102629.
Fox Tree, J., Herring, S., Nguyen, A., Whittaker, S., Martin, R., & Takayama, L. Conversational Fluency and Attitudes Towards Robot Pilots in Telepresence Robot-Mediated Interactions. Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
Nguyen, A., Guydish, A., & Fox Tree, J. Backchannels in the Lab and in the Wild.


Fox Tree, J., Whittaker, S., Herring, S., Chowdhury, Y., Nguyen, A., & Takayama, L. Psychological Distance in Mobile Telepresence.
Nguyen, A., Roberts, T., Anand, P., & Fox Tree, J. Look, Dude: How Hyperpartisan and Non- hyperpartisan Writing Differ in Online Commentary.


Negotiation and agreement in conversations.. Workshop on Argumentation and Maneuvering Agreement in Discourse. (2023)
Writing Style Affects Partisanship and Persuasiveness Ratings. Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media.. (2023)
Absolutely Persuasive, Kinda Negotiating. Rising Star Colloquium Series.. (2022)
Hedges Hedge, Boosters Boost. Annual Meeting of the Psycho- nomic Society.. (2022)
Understanding Words of Negotiation in Context. The 35th Annual Conference on Human Sentence Processing.. (2022)
Hedging words in conversation.. California Meeting on Psycholin- guistics.. (2021)
Interpreting Negotiation Words In and Out of Context.. Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. (2021)
These words kinda matter.. Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. (2020)
Fake News and Desirable Difficulties.. University of California Santa Cruz. (2019)
Little Words in a Big Corpus. Annual Meeting of the Psychonomic Society. (2019)

Grants & Contracts

BirdFEEDER. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2024)
New Faculty Initiative Grant. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2024)