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Caitlin Mercier

Assistant Professor in WGSS/Psychology
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

233.002Psychology Of Personality

305.001Psychology Of Women

290.047Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship

490.047Clinical-Counseling Capstone Project

286.004Honors Undergraduate Research II

233.001Psychology Of Personality

305.001Psychology Of Women

290.047Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship

291.047Special Projects:Undergraduate Teaching

Teaching Interests & Areas

Multiculturalism, social equity, antiracism and anticolorism

Research Interests & Areas

(Intersectional) experiences of veg*ns; consequences of stigma; minority stress, coping, and well-being of Black Americans/women; discrimination and mental health

Ph D Counseling Psychology

Louisiana Tech University
Ruston, Louisiana

BS Psychological Science

Xavier University of Louisiana
New Orleans, Louisiana

Barbara A. Kirk Award for Outstanding Graduate Student Research

Society of Counseling Psychology

Journal Article

Mercier, C., Abbott, D. M., Ternes, M. (2022). Coping Matters: An Examination of Black Americans’ Coping with the COVID-19 Pandemic. The Counseling Psychologist, 50(3), 384-414.
Abbott, D. M., Franks, A. S., Cook, C. L., & Mercier, C. (2021). (Non)Religious Coping with a Natural Disaster in Rural U.S. Community. Secularism and Nonreligion, 10(1), 1-14.
Abbott, D. M., Ternes, M., Mercier, C., & Monceaux, C. (2020). Atheists of color: Experienced discrimination, outness, and psychological distress. Mental Health, Religion, and Culture, 23(10), 1-14.
Abbott, D. M., Mollen, D., Mercier, C., Anaya, E. A., & Rukus, V. A. (2019) "Isn't atheism a White thing?": Centering the voices of atheists of color. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 67(3), 275-287.
Abbott, D. M., Pelc, N., & Mercier, C. (2019). Cultural humility and the teaching of
psychology. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 5(2), 169-181.


Mercier, C. M., Landor, A., & Sutton, N. (2024, April 18 – 19). Skin tone matters: The intersectional stress of racism and colorism for Black women. In Mercier, C.M. (Chair). Skin Deep: Considerations for Psychological Examination of Colorism. [Invited symposium]. 2024 Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL, United States.
Mercier, C. (2023, June). “Black feminist approaches to anti-Black racism and speciesism” [Poster presentation accepted]. Animal Advocacy Conference, University of Kent, Cantebury, UK
Mercier, C. & Bychownski, J.** (Submitted for 2023). More than Race: A Relational Cultural Approach to Colorism. American Psychological Association Annual Convention *Indicates student researcher

Grants & Contracts

New Faculty Initiative Grant. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2023)