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Professor Eros Desouza

DEG Degarmo Hall 420
Office Hours
Through Zoom when both parties are available
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

233Psychology Of Personality

Teaching Interests & Areas

I infuse cultural issues in all of my courses (e.g., Personality, Senior Seminar, and Psychology of Diversity); my teaching philosophy is that we build knowledge by thinking, talking, writing, and evaluating current knowledge. For graduate courses I have a dual role. That is, I begin by reviewing key points. Then, I will become a group facilitator, with the class as a whole being in charge of the discussions.

Research Interests & Areas

My current research is on workplace prejudice and discrimination based on gender, race-ethnicity, sexual orientation, and disability, through a multicultural and cross-cultural perspective, which enlarges the range of hypothesis testing.

Post-Doc Negotiation and Dispute Resolution

Stanford University - Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences
Stanford, California

Ph D Community Psychology

University of Missouri at Kansas City
Kansas City, Missouri

MS Guidance & Counseling

Missouri State University
Springfield, Missouri

BA Psychology

Missouri State University
Springfield, Missouri

Red Tassel Mortar Certificate/Award of Faculty Appreciation


Book, Chapter

DeSouza, E. R., & Wesselmann, E. D. (2022). Subtle discrimination based on gender and gender identity. In I. R. Nascimento, A. L. M. Neves, & L. N. dos Reis (Eds.), Segurança e violências: Perspectivas interdisciplinares [Security and violence: Interdisciplinary perspectives]. Editora CRV Ltda, Curitiba, Brazil. DOI 10.24824/978625122.9
Clinton, A., Anazagasty, J., Stevens, M., DeSouza, PhD, E., Pescatore, B., Marcucci, L., Angelino, R., Barahona, R., de Souza, L., Carillo, E., & McCarthy, S. Latin American perspectivees on the right to invasion.. K. Malley-Morrison, S. McCarthy, & D. Hines (EDs), International Handbook on War, Torture, and Terrorism. Springer 1 (2013): 443-466.
Clinton, A., Anazagsty, J., Lewin, M., McCarthy, S., Stevens, M., Barahona, R., Carillo, E., Angelino, R., DeSouza, PhD, E., & de Souza, L. Perspectives on Apology in Latin America.. K. Malley-Morrison, A. Mercurio, & G. Twose (EDs), International Handbook on Peace and Reconciliation. Springer 2 (2013): 379-394.
Clinton, A., Anazagasty, J., Fortín, J., de Souza, L., McCarthy, S., Campbell, T., Stankiewicz, A., Angelino, R., Barahona, R., Carillo, E., DeSouza, PhD, E., & Stevens, M. Perspectives on Torture in Latin America.. K. Malley-Morrison, S. McCarthy, & D. Hines (EDs), International Handbook on War, Torture, and Terrorism. Springer 1 (2013): 617-630.
DeSouza, PhD, E., Campbell, T., Barahona, R., de Souza, L., McCarthy, S., Stevens, M., Clinton, A., Carillo, E., & Angelino, R. Definitions of peace and reconciliation in Latin America.. K. Malley-Morrison, A. Mercurio, & G. Twose (EDs), International Handbook on Peace and Reconciliation. Springer 2 (2013): 107-116.


Ji, F., & DeSouza, E. Internet Research in Personality.. B. J. Carducci, C. S. Nave, J. S. Mio, & R. E. Riggio (EDs), The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences: Measurement and Assessment, Volume II. John Wiley & Sons (2020)
Ji, F., & DeSouza, PhD, E. Internet Research in Personality. The Wiley Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences (Vol. II). Wiley-Blackwell II

Journal Article

DeSouza, PhD, E., Wesselmann, E., Taschetto, L., Rosa, G., Rosa, C., Yunes, M., da Silva, G., & Fernandes, G. Investigating Ostracism and Racial Microaggressions toward Afro-Brazilians.. Journal of Black Psychology 45.4 (2019): 222-268.
Olson, M.D., & DeSouza, E.R. (2017). The influence of
sociocultural factors on college students’ attitudes
toward sexual minorities. Journal of Sociology and
Social Welfare, XLIV
(4), 75-96.

Schneider, K. T., Wesselmann, E. D., & DeSouza, E. R. (2017). Confronting subtle workplace mistreatment: The importance of leaders as allies. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1051. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01051

DeSouza, E. R., Wesselmann, E. D., & Ispas, D. (2017). Workplace Discrimination Against Sexual Minorities: Subtle and Not-so-subtle. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 34, 121-132. DOI: 10.1002/CJAS.1438
Schmitt, D. P., et al. (2017). Narcissism and the Strategic Pursuit of Short-Term Mating: Universal Links across 11 World Regions of the International Sexuality Description Project-2. Psychological Topics, 26 (1), 89-137.

Textbook, New

DeSouza, PhD, E., Stevens, M., Clinton, A., Marcucci, L., Mellish, M., Barahona, R., Carillo, E., Angelino, R., de Souza, L., & McCarthy, S. Definitions of war, torture, and terrorism in Latin America.. K. Malley-Morrison, S. McCarthy, & D. Hines (EDs), International Handbook on War, Torture, and Terrorism. Springer 1 (2013): 113-132.


Ethics in Therapy with Sexual Minority Couples: Come and Be Who You Are. 1st Latin American Online Congress of Sexual and Couples Therapy: New Ways of Doing. (2020)
Investigating Ostracism and Racial Microaggressions toward Afro-Brazilians. Midwestern Psychological Association. Midwestern Psychological Association. (2020)
*Wesselmann, E. D., DeSouza, E. R., & AuBuchon, S. (2020, May). Studying microaggressions as a form of social exclusion. Presentation at the meeting for the Association for Psychological Science, Chicago, IL. (Conference canceled)
Investigating microaggression themes that transgender individuals experience. Midwestern Psychological Association. (2019)
Microaggressions against Transgender Individuals as a Form of Social Exclusion. Midwestern Psychological Association. (2019)
Nós: onde, quando, como, com quem, ...? A percepção do relacionamento conjugal entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, nas dimensões afetiva, legal e de saúde mental [We: where, when, how, with whom? Perceptions of same-sex romantic relationships in the affective, legal and mental health realms]. V Congresso Ibero-Americano e Luso-Brasileiro de Psicologia da Saúde / I Congresso Promoção da Saúde e do Bem-Estar no Ensino Superior. (2019)
Racial microaggressions among Afro-Brazilians. Midwestern Psychological Association. (2019)
Transgender and racial microaggressions. Midwestern Psychological Association. (2019)
A Focus Group on Race Relations in Southern Brazil. Midwestern Psychological Association. (2018)
Affirmative Action in Higher Education: Brazil and the United States Struggle to End and Correct Past Discrimination. Midwestern Psychological Association. (2018)

Grants & Contracts

Investigating Micro-aggression and Ostracism in Brazil. Psychology. Illinois State University. (2018)
Publication Support Grant. College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University.