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Gregory Braswell

DEG Degarmo Hall 460
Office Hours
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 11:15am-12:15pm, or by appointment
  • About
  • Education
  • Research

Current Courses

398.002Professional Practice: For Interdisciplinary Studies Major or Minor

499.006Independent Research For The Master's Thesis

498.006Professional Practice In Developmental Psychology

428.001Professional Seminar In Developmental Psychology

138.002Reasoning In Psychology Using Statistics

138.003Reasoning In Psychology Using Statistics

138.004Reasoning In Psychology Using Statistics

138.005Reasoning In Psychology Using Statistics

138.006Reasoning In Psychology Using Statistics

138.007Reasoning In Psychology Using Statistics

138.008Reasoning In Psychology Using Statistics

290.006Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship

291.006Special Projects:Undergraduate Teaching

Teaching Interests & Areas

I teach a variety of courses with developmental research methods, Black psychology, and educational psychology being my usual courses. In all of my classes, I focus on cultural contexts and on how psychology can be applied professionally and personally.

Research Interests & Areas

I am interested in how communities support children's learning of various skills including how to read, play and draw pictures. More specifically, I have studied children's development in the context of museums, schools and homes. Also, I am interested in parents' beliefs about how children develop. This work is informed by various sociocultural theories of human functioning.

Ph D

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, Illinois


University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Champaign, Illinois


Earlham College
Richmond, Indiana

Book Review

Berk, L., Braswell, G., Meyers, A., Rivadeneyra, R., & Schmeeckle, M. Bringing the World’s Children Into Focus: Cultivating Well-Being on a Global Scale. PsyCritiques 60.28 (2015): 7.

Journal Article

Braswell, G. S. (2021). An introduction to the Video Activity Coder: Free software for coding videorecorded behaviors. Behavior Research Methods, 53(6), 2596-2603.
Braswell, G. S. (2021). Toward a process-centered account of literate activity in the classroom. Journal of Childhood Studies, 46(4), 17-31.
Braswell, G. S. (2021, online). Changes in ancient Egyptian mathematical artifacts from a cultural-historical activity theory perspective. Culture and Psychology.
Braswell, G. S. (2017). Preschool children’s participation in representational and non-representational activities. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 15, 195-211.
Braswell, G. S. (2016). Creation and validation of an observational tool to assess children's domain-general skills at museum exhibits. Visitor Studies, 19, 211-224.


Braswell, G. S. (November 13, 2020). Worldviews, connections to nature and beliefs about knowledge acquisition among university students of African descent. Presented at African American Studies Fall Lectures series (Illinois State University, Normal, IL).
Why should we be empathetic? Why should we be friends?. Extending Empathy Project. Department of Psychology, ISU. (2019)
Braswell, G. S. (June, 2016). Going with the flow: The impact of a water-based exhibit on visito behavior at a hands-on museum. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Jean Piaget Society, Chicago, IL.
Han, S., Braswell, G, DeSouza, E. R., & Rivadeneyra, G. (2016, October). Critical Reflection on Teaching and Addressing Diversity in the Classroom: Philosophy, Pedagogy, and More. 2016 Culturally Responsive Campus Community Conference: Uniting to Challenge Systems of Oppression. Illinois State University, Normal, Il.
Location, location, location: Situating Children's Development in Context. Children's Studies Brownbag. (2014)
Children’s engagement in representational and non-representational activities in a Head Start classroom.. Annual Meeting of the Jean Piaget Society. Jean Piaget Society. (2013)

Grants & Contracts

Worldviews, Connections to Nature and Beliefs about Knowledge Acquisition among University Students of African Descent. African American Studies Minor. Illinois State University. (2020)
Interdisciplinary Initiative. ISU College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University. (2019)