Dr. Laura Finan
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
213.001Lifespan Development
590.009Advanced Practicum Intervention
599.009Doctoral Research In Psychology
400.009Independent Study
491.009Internship: Seminar In College Teaching Of Psychology
213.002Lifespan Development
453.001Seminar In Adolescent Development
290.009Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship
Teaching Interests & Areas
Adolescent development; research methods; lifespan development
Research Interests & Areas
My research addresses how psycho-social and contextual factors influence adolescents' and young adults' health risk behaviors. I am particularly interested in (a) family relationships as developmental contexts and (b) alcohol and other substance use and problems. Recently, I have begun to explore environmental factors (e.g., neighborhoods and schools) to better capture the range of salient factors which drive young peoples' behavior.
Research Interests: Adolescent health • Alcohol and other substance use and problems • Family relationships