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Dr. Laura Finan

Associate Professor
DEG Degarmo Hall 457
Office Hours
Tuesdays 2-3pm
  • About
  • Education
  • Awards & Honors
  • Research

Current Courses

213.001Lifespan Development

590.009Advanced Practicum Intervention

599.009Doctoral Research In Psychology

400.009Independent Study

491.009Internship: Seminar In College Teaching Of Psychology

213.002Lifespan Development

453.001Seminar In Adolescent Development

290.009Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship

Teaching Interests & Areas

Adolescent development; research methods; lifespan development

Research Interests & Areas

My research addresses how psycho-social and contextual factors influence adolescents' and young adults' health risk behaviors. I am particularly interested in (a) family relationships as developmental contexts and (b) alcohol and other substance use and problems. Recently, I have begun to explore environmental factors (e.g., neighborhoods and schools) to better capture the range of salient factors which drive young peoples' behavior.

Research Interests: Adolescent health • Alcohol and other substance use and problems • Family relationships


University of California, Berkeley; Prevention Research Center
Berkeley, California, USA

Ph D Human Development and Family Studies

University of Delaware
Newark, Delaware, USA

MA Psychological Science

University of Colorado, Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA

BA Psychology

Nazareth College
Rochester, New York, USA

Outstanding University Teaching Initiative Award

Illinois State University

Research Initiative Award Winners

Illinois State University

Interdisciplinary Civic Engagement Award

Center for Civic Engagement, Illinois State University

Journal Article

Please visit the following website to see a list of research publications and presentations:


Vaping and College Students’ Oral Microbiome. VIII Congresso Internacional do Conhecimento Científico (VIII CICC) ISECENSA. (2024)
Su-Russell, C., Lannin, D., Finan, L., & Tudela, M. (2024, Nov.). History and contemporary studies of child development. Poster presented at the 86th Annual Conference of the National Council on Family Relations, Bellevue, WA.
Vaping and Oral Health among College Students. 2023 AADOCR/CADR Annual Meeting. (2023)
Collective action for school-wellness: An ecological example. AIESEP World Congress. (2022)
Trajectory classes of adolescents’ family relationship experiences and associations with later substance use. Society for Research on Adolescence. (2022)