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Dr. Burak Ozkum

Assistant Professor
DEG Degarmo Hall 428
  • About
  • Education
  • Research

Current Courses

331.001Laboratory in Research Methods for Psychology: I/O Psy

390.048Advanced Research Apprenticeship

475.001Seminar In Personnel Psychology

290.048Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship

340.001Statistics For The Social Sciences

340.002Statistics For The Social Sciences

Teaching Interests & Areas

Personality, Statistics, Testing and measurement, I/O Psychology

Research Interests & Areas

Personality, Teams, Assessment of individual differences, eSports

PhD Industrial and Organizational Psychology

University of Tulsa
Tulsa, OK

MS Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Middle East Technical University
Ankara, Turkey

BA Business Administration

Middle East Technical University
Ankara, Turkey

Conference Proceeding

Ozkum, B., Narayan, A., & Lin, M. Measurement invariance in burnout: A multicultural study. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2020)
Tett, R., & Ozkum, B. Personality and motivational job features: Fit beyond demands.. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2020)
Ozkum, B., & Sumer, C. The effect of social media information on recruiters’ hiring decision making processes: A policy capturing approach. European Congress of Psychology (2019)

Journal Article

Ozkum, B. Do selection tests “really” work better than we think they do?. Industrial and Organizational Psychology 17.3 (2024): 283-287.
Tett, R., Toich, M., & Ozkum, B. Trait Activation Theory: A review of the literature and applications to five lines of personality dynamics research. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 8 (2021)
Ozkum, B., Lannin, D. G., Wu, S. (2023). Divergent reactions to COVID-19 exhibited in grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. Advance online publication.


Personality and performance in gaming teams. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. (2025)
Individual differences in career success. Midwestern Psychological Association Conference. (2024)
Trait-ability interactions in career success. Industrial and Organizational Psychology Congress. (2024)
Factors affecting SD rho in personality-work outcome meta-analyses: A second-order analysis. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. (2022)
The effect of leader personality on team trust and team effectiveness. Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology. (2022)

Grants & Contracts

New Faculty Initiative Grant (NFIG). Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2022)