Dr. Suejung Han
Associate Professor
- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
Current Courses
499.022Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
390.022Advanced Research Apprenticeship
490.022Clinical-Counseling Capstone Project
499.022Independent Research For The Master's Thesis
491.022Internship: Seminar In College Teaching Of Psychology
351.001Introduction To Clinical And Counseling Psychology
451.001Psychology Of Diversity
290.022Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship
Teaching Interests & Areas
Clinical/counseling psychology;
Personality Psychology;
Multicultural counseling/ Diversity Issues;
Clinical health psychology
Research Interests & Areas
Attachment theory applications to disordered eating behaviors;
Health behavior change;
Diversity issues, broadly defined
Predoctoral internship, Counseling Center, University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Knoxville, TN
Ph D Counseling Psychology
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN
Clinical Psychology Residency Training, Seoul National University Hospital
Seoul, South Korea
MA Clinical & Counseling Psychology
Seoul National University
Seoul, South Korea
BA Psychology
Seoul National University
Seoul, South Korea
Award for Outstanding Scholarly Achievement, Pre-Tenure
ISU College of Arts and Sciences
Impact Award
Illinois State Univresity
Book, Authored
Han, S. (2016). Narcissistic Personality Disorder (2nd ed.). Hakjisa: Seoul (in Korean).
Kim, J.-W., & Han, S. (2016). Histrionic Personality Disorder (2nd Ed.). Seoul: Hakjisa.
Journal Article
Atari, R. & Han, S. (2018). Perceived discrimination, ethnic identity, and psychological well-being among Arab Americans. The Counseling Psychologist, 46, 899-921.
Han, S. (2017). Attachment insecurity and openness to diversity: The roles of self-esteem and trust. Personality & Individual Differences, 111, 291-296.
Han, S., & Kahn, H. J. (2017). Attachment, emotion regulation difficulties, and disordered eating among college women and men. The Counseling Psychologist. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1177/0011000017744884
Han, S., & Pistole, M. C. (2017). Big Five factors and facets as predictors of openness to diversity. Journal of Psychology: Applied and Interdisciplinary, 151, 752-766.
Han, S., Pistole, M. C., & Caldwell, J. (2017). Acculturative Stress, Parents and Professor Attachment, and College Adjustment in Asian International Students Journal of Multicultural Counseling & Development , 45, 111-126.
Han, S. (April, 2023). The Openness to Diversity Program for Promoting Cultural Empathy. Poster Presented at the Annual Conference of Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL.
Arellanes, J. A. Faudoa, A.*, Hendricks, M., Su-Russell, C. & Han S. J. (2022, Apr.) Do courses on diversity, equity, and inclusion benefit students’ awareness? [Paper presentation] Midwestern Psychological Association. Chicago, IL
Attentional bias to food words in restrained eaters. the 2018 Midwestern Psychological Association Conference. (2018)
Differential associations between emotional avoidance and disordered eating. the 2018 Midwestern Psychological Association Conference. (2018)
Patience and Anxiety: Mindfulness as a Mediator. the 2018 Midwestern Psychological Association Conference. (2018)
Personality factors in openness to diversity. Department of Psychology Colloquium. Seoul National University. (2018)
The Effects of Negative Perceptions Put on Parents of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder. the 2018 Midwestern Psychological Association Conference. (2018)
Han, S., & Marshall, J. (August, 2018). Sociotropy and autonomy, attachment insecurity, and disordered eating. Poster presented at the 126th Annual Convention of American Psychological Association, San Francisco.
Binge eating in Asian/Asian Americans: Roles of Asian values, family conflict, and attachment. 125th Annual Convention of American Psychological Association. (2017)
Neuroticism, Conscientiousness & Binge Eating: Emotional Eating/Eating Expectancy and SelfControl. 2017 Midwestern Psychological Association Conference. (2017)
Grants & Contracts
Disordered eating behaviors in Asian/Asian American women: Cultural, cognitive, emotional, and personality predictors. College of Arts and Sciences PFIG. Illinois State University. (2016)
Emotion dysregulation and needs thwarting as mediators between attachment insecurity and disordered eating. ISU College of Arts and Sciences. Illinois State University. (2015)