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Shengtian Wu

Assistant Professor
Degarmo Hall - DEG 414
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Dr. Shengtian Wu is an assistant professor of the School Psychology program at Illinois State University.

Current Courses

433.001Social Emotional And Behavioral Assessment And Intervention

290.042Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship

590.042Advanced Practicum Consultation/Program Evaluation

590.042Advanced Practicum Intervention

402.042Applied Research Experience In School Psychology

599.042Doctoral Research In Psychology

395.005Honors Thesis: Psychology

290.042Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship

440.003Statistics:Data Analysis And Methodology

Teaching Interests & Areas

Academic assessment and interventions, behavior modification & Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Assessment and Intervention.

Research Interests & Areas

School consultation, parent training, Applied Behavior Analysis, and Academic interventions.

PhD School Psychology

Mississippi State University
Starkville, MS

MA Educational Psychology

University of Iowa
Iowa City, IA

Best Poster Award

Utah Association for Behavior Analysis

Journal Article

King, H., Wu, S., Bloomfield, B., Fishcer, A., & Martone, L. A Practical Guide on Problem-Solving Teleconsultation in Schools (2022)
King, H., Johnson, K., McCulla, K., Fischer, A., Wu, S., & Miller, M. A Preliminary Evaluation of a Digital Token Economy to Increase Student Engagement During Group Teletherapy. Journal of Applied School Psychology
King, H., Bloomfield, B., Wu, S., & Fischer, A. A Systematic Review of School Teleconsultation: Implications for Research and Practice
Ozkum, B., Lannin, D. G., Wu, S. (2023). Divergent reactions to COVID-19 exhibited in grandiose and vulnerable narcissism. Social and Personality Psychology Compass. Advance online publication.
Wu, S., Stratton-Gadke, k., & Gadke, D. Maximizing repeated readings: The effects of a multicomponent reading fluency intervention for children with reading difficulties. No


A Comprehensive Review of Instructional Consultation in Schools. Annual Conference of the National Association of School Psychologists. (2022)
Check-In/Check-Out: Virtual Implementation. Graduate Symposium at Illinois State University. (2022)
Racism and Anti-Racism Content within School Psychology Research. Annual Conference of the National Association of School Psychologists. (2022)
A comprehensive literature review of instructional consultation within school settings. Research Symposium 2021. Illinois State University. (2021)
Caregiver-mediated telehealth: Errorless learning to improve social skills. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Conference. (2021)
Components of a Successful Classroom: Factor analysis for initial validation. National Association of School Psychologists 2021 Annual Convention. (2021)
How to Improve Academic Productivity. Association of Chinese Helping Professionals and Psychologists-International. (2021)
Identification of Special Needs and Related Services for Your Children Amid the Pandemic. Supporting Immigrated Chinese Parents in the U.S.. (2021)
Remote learning during COVID-19: Increasing accessibility via social media. National Association of School Psychologists 2021 Annual Convention. (2021)
Research sample representativeness in school psychology: How weird is it?. American Psychological Association Annual Conference 2021. (2021)

Grants & Contracts

University Research Grant. Illinois State University. Illinois State University. (2021)
Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program. University of Utah. Local. (2020)