Tom Critchfield

DEG Degarmo Hall 431
Office Hours
varies by semester
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- About
- Education
- Awards & Honors
- Research
I studied English Literature and Educational Psychology before earning a PhD in Experimental Psychology. I have since worked at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Auburn University, and ISU.
Current Courses
231.006Research Methods In Psychology
231.007Research Methods In Psychology
231.008Research Methods In Psychology
231.009Research Methods In Psychology
231.010Research Methods In Psychology
391.011Scholarship Of Teaching & Learning Apprenticeship
392.001Senior Seminar
290.011Special Projects: Research Apprenticeship
291.011Special Projects:Undergraduate Teaching
Teaching Interests & Areas
I usually teach courses related to Learning and Research Methods.
Research Interests & Areas
General topics in behavior analysis and learning.
Post-Doc Human Behavioral Pharmacology
Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
Baltimore, MD
Ph D Psychology
West Virginia University
Morgantown, WV
James Johnson Award for Outstanding Faculty
Psi Chi
Association for Behavior Analysis International
Outstanding College Researcher
ISU College of Arts & Sciences
Don Hake Award for Distinguished Contributions to translational research
American Psychological Association - Division 25
American Psychological Association
Distinguished Teacher
Illinois State University Chapter of Psi Chi
Distinguished Teacher
Illinois State University Chapter of Psi Chi
Distinguished Teacher
Illinois State University Chapter of Psi Chi
Special Citation for Dedication to and Support of Student Researchers
Alabama Psychological Association
Outstanding Faculty Mentor
Auburn University Graduate Student Association
Book, Chapter
Critchfield, T. Punishment. Sage Encyclopedia of Psychology (2016)
Critchfield, T., & Doepke, K. Origins of clinical innovations: Why practice needs science and how science reaches practic. F.D. DiGennaro Reed & D.D. Reed (EDs), Bridging the gap between science and autism service delivery. Springer (2015): 1-23.
Critchfield, T., & S, J. Finding faculty who fit at a large mid-level public university: General and institution-specific consideration. J.N. Busler et al. (EDs), Preparing the new psychology professoriate: Helping graduate students become competent teachers (2nd. ed.). Society for the Teaching of Psychology (2014): 170-176.
Journal Article
Critchfield, T. An emotional appeal for the development of empirical research on narrative (2018)
Critchfield, T. Efficiency is everything: Promoting efficient practice by harnessing derived stimulus relations. Behavior Analysis in Practice 11 (2018): 206-210.
Critchfield, T., & Doepke, K. Emotional overtones of behavior analysis terms in English and five other languages. Behavior Analysis in Practice (2018)
Critchfield, T., & Shue, E. The Dead Man Test: A preliminary experimental analysis. Behavior Analysis in Practice (2018)
Critchfield, T., Barnes-Holmes, D., & Dougher, M. What Sidman did: Historical and contemporary significance of research on derived stimulus relations. Perspectives on Behavior Science (2018)
Translational behavioral health psychology: Modeling the detection of melanoma symptom evolution. Mid-American Association for Behavior Analysis. (2012)
Translational behavioral health psychology: Modeling the detection of melanoma symptom evolution.. Texas Association for Behavior Analysis. (2012)
Translational research at Illinois State University. Illinois Association for Behavior Analysis. (2012)
Grants & Contracts
Developing a Psychology of Learning Teaching Laboratory. CTLT. Illinois State University. (2015)