Child Research Participant Pool
Research Procedures
Our secure database contains contact information for families with children and adolescents who have indicated a desire to learn more about research projects related to development. The database also contains information concerning correspondence with these families (e.g., date of entry in pool, date of subsequent contact with family). The database does not contain private, sensitive, or diagnostic information, such as Social Security numbers, socioeconomic status, racial or ethnic information, disability status, or performance measures. A Psychology Research Committee member serves as the administrative custodian of the child participant pool to ensure that the approved procedures are followed and to oversee the maintenance of the pool information. Procedures Approved by the Department: January 31, 2005
No External Usage Of The Pool
The department's Child Research Participant Pool is reserved for use by Illinois State Psychology faculty and students. Cases involving failure to meet these and all relevant ethical guidelines will be referred to the IRB. Such proceedings may require an appearance before the IRB of all relevant parties.
Recruiting Participants
Research projects must follow the University's Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved methods of contacting potential participants, scheduling appointments, securing informed consent and assent, carrying out the research, and debriefing the participants. If the project involves direct contact with minors, Minors Activity Compliance Committee (MACC) approval also must be obtained. In addition to IRB approval and MACC approval (if required), research projects using the department’s Child Research Participant Pool must adhere to the following procedures.
Once a project has IRB and MACC approval, a copy of the letter of approval must be presented to the administrative custodian of the Child Research Participant Pool in order to register the project. The Child Research Participant Pool Usage Request Form must be completed and submitted to the administrative custodian. The Usage Request Form outlines plans for pool usage (e.g., number, age, and gender of potential child or family participants to be contacted; study name; contact information for the primary investigator and the researcher who will coordinate participant contact) The Usage Request Form should be completed on the computer, and then printed and signed.
Requests must be made and handled when University classes are in session. The administrative custodian will provide the requested contact information within one week of receipt of a request. If the request cannot be met within this time frame, the administrative custodian will notify the primary investigator when contact information will be available. The administrative custodian will provide contact information for up to 30 potential participants for a given request. The administrative custodian will repeat requests, as needed, when additional potential participants are available. The pool usage limit is meant to ensure that families are contacted and updated contact information returned to the administrative custodian in a timely manner.
Researchers are required to return all contact information to the administrative custodian within one month from the date received, unless granted an extension. The administrative custodian will update family contact information, as needed, and document contact by the researcher. Researchers should discuss pool usage for large projects with the administrative custodian.
The administrative custodian will coordinate pool usage to ensure that children are contacted no more than three times per year. If scheduling conflicts arise, the administrative custodian, in consultation with the department's Research Committee and the primary investigators using the pool, will make decisions concerning usage.