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Psi Chi Honor Society

The Department of Psychology sponsors the Psi Chi Honor Society, an international society of students devoted to encouraging and maintaining excellence in scholarship while advancing the science of psychology. Membership is open to undergraduate and graduate students who study psychology as one of their major interests, and who meet the minimum qualifications set by Psi Chi and the Association of College Honor Societies (a governing body for college honor societies). See the Psi Chi - International Honor Society in Psychology website for more information.

Membership in Psi Chi is an earned, lifetime honor. A permanent membership record is preserved at the Psi Chi National Office and may be used for reference purposes, i.e., applications for graduate school and for employment.

The Psi Chi national membership fee is $55. This one-time fee includes lifetime membership, a certificate suitable for framing, a membership card, and an honors tassel to wear at your graduation ceremony. There are no annual national dues. The Illinois State chapter charges a lifetime chapter fee of $35. This fee helps defray the costs of the induction ceremony and some of the chapter’s activities. There are no annual chapter dues. Thus, the total membership fee is $90. Psi Chi chapter members are eligible to wear the Psi Chi graduation regalia during graduation.

Names of new members and activities of individual chapters are regularly published in Eye on Psi Chi, the society's national magazine, and are preserved for historical purposes. The chapter office receives copies of Eye on Psi Chi for distribution to members while they are attending Illinois State. After graduation, members are encouraged to subscribe to Eye on Psi Chi to keep up with Psi Chi news.

Psi Chi members are eligible to present research papers and posters at Psi Chi programs held at national and regional conventions. In addition, members may participate in Psi Chi's undergraduate and graduate research award competitions, and undergraduate members may submit their research for publication in the Psi Chi Journal of Undergraduate Research.

Students interested in joining Psi Chi should contact a Psi Chi chapter officer. The Psi Chi officer will explain the function of the local chapter and will discuss how students contribute to the success of the Illinois State Psi Chi chapter. The Psi Chi chapter officer will also schedule an interview with the applicant. Students should complete the Psi Chi application before the interview. The application is an interactive Microsoft document that should be completed on a computer. Click on the link to download the application to a computer. The completed application should be printed, signed, and dated by the student, and submitted to the Psi Chi officer at the scheduled interview.

Membership Requirements

  1. At least three semesters or five quarters of college attendance, including one semester at Illinois State University.
  2. At least 12 semester hours or 18 quarter hours of psychology courses, including two 300-level psychology courses (one 300-level course may be in progress).
  3. Admitted to the Major or Minor in Psychology or to a department graduate program.
  4. Undergraduate students must have an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher in courses taken at Illinois State and a GPA of 3.3 or higher for all Illinois State psychology undergraduate courses, including 300-level courses.
  5. Graduate students must have an average grade of B+ or better in all graduate courses, including psychology courses.
  6. Maintain high standards of personal behavior.